Atthe end of each experiment,the contents ofindividual aquaria
were collected on a 25 -
m mesh screen and washed into separate
50 mL vials containing 4% formaldehyde solution in buffered sea-
water. Survival and growth were estimated by removing triplicate
1 mL sub-samples from each 50 mL vial and examining the contents
using an optical microscope (200X). The number of surviving larvae
were counted and the shell length (APM) of 20 random individu-
als was measured. Relative larval production, or yield mL−1, was
calculated by multiplying initial density by mean survival. The nor-
mality of raw data was assessed using probability plots of residual values and proportional data were square-root arcsine transformed
prior to analysis. Significant differences between treatment means
were determined by two-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey tests
( = 0.05).