Physical education courses make to students have time increase take care health and help students develop good exercise habits so themself life better.I think three res哦拧 in collage should be physical education. the healthy exercise helps prevent obesity and other serious illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. burn calories and exercise muscles Because most of the normal school day requires students to participate in relatively sedentary activities, mandatory PE classes force students to do something active. physical education is subject give a good grade because it’s help up to level better and relax for students. Secondly PE builds the foundation of practicing motor skills for games and sports such as volleyball, basketball, tennis, and swimming, among others. Sports are an integral part in a person’s life. Different sports develop different skills and hone positive thinking, which is important for a person to endure difficulties. It is a constructive expenditure of energy and that is why physical education is important to every individual.