The next wave in the age of computing will be outside the realm of the traditional desktop. In the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, the objects that surround us will be in the network in one form or another. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and sensor network technologies will help us to meet these new challenge, in which information and communication systems are embedded in the environment around us. This results in a large amounts of data which have to be stored, processed and presented in an efficient and easily interpretable form. Smart connectivity with existing networks and context-aware computation using network resources is an indispensable part of IoT. The success of Internet of Things will need the computing paradigm to go beyond traditional mobile computing scenarios where we use smart phones and portables, and evolve into connecting everyday existing objects and embedding intelligence into our environment [8].
The Internet of Things is the new age of intelligent com-putting that provides a privilege to communicate around the world. The objective of IoT is Anything, Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace, Any service and Any network