The BI is one of the most widely used rating scales for functional status measurement in cases with physical disability and their needs for long-term care (Collin, Wade, & Davies, 1988). The BI includes seven items (feeding, grooming, toileting, bathing, dressing, bowel control, and bladder control) to assess self-care ability and three items (transfers,mobility, and climbing stairs) to evaluate activity capacity. A total score is formed by adding each item’s rating score and ranges from0 to 100 (0-20 = totally dependent, 21-60 = severely dependent, 61-90 = moderately dependent, 91-99 = mildly dependent, and 100 = completely independent; Mahoney & Barthel, 1965).
Data were collected by six research assistants, who were specifically trained for the consistency of interviewing and the protocol of data collection. For interviewing consistency, we illustrated and discussed each of the 30 items in the survey in the research group meetings. All research assistants recorded their first interview (pilot survey), and the contents of their sound recordings were reviewed and approved by the principal investigator. After proficiency was achieved, the research assistants were qualified to continue the survey on community-dwelling older adults. For safety reasons, two research assistants worked as a pair for the home visits in the communities