3.3. Thumb postures and movements during mobile phone use
With respect to thumb position, entering an SMS message placed the thumb in abduction and flexion relative to adducted and extended thumb posture assumed when talking. In comparison with talking on the phone which was used as a reference task entering SMS messages increased the physical load of the thumb (Table 3). During SMS messaging, the MPF and thumb movement velocities were significantly higher compare to talking, with higher velocities in Ad/Ab compared to F/E. Finally, when looking at pauses, during SMS messaging there was significantly less pause time, significantly fewer pauses and shorter mean pause durations relative to talking on the phone.
There were also some differences across the SMS tasks themselves. When comparing the results when subjects entered SMS messages with their own versus the standard phone, subjects were less abducted (p = 0.02) when using their own phone, all other differences were not statistically significant. Whether the subject was sitting or standing also affected thumb position, subjects worked with less thumb abduction (p = 0.04) when entering an SMS message while standing.