A) Make amends Type. Yada yada yada.
True positive; Know why they were puninshed > PetYu Candidates. Either by themselves or by prompting ---> 'Why are Yu sorry of?'
If they can't answer, they are;
False positives; Says 'Gomen nasai!' just so punishment stop without understanding why. thus more likely a D) Yunya~ Type.
B) Why Type, (didn do no wrong!) Ignoramuses.
Can still be corrected while babies. Practically irreversible after 'maturation'.
C) Insult/Talk back Type. Righteous ingrates. Bites those hands that feeds. the overweening-pride antagonists even to their parents and siblings ---> Natural death-flags-punished. Frequently marichas.
D) Yunya~ Type. Dumbasses that lives. Natural parasites. Natural majority are reimyus. They should have been Living death flags in nature but, survive by charming the Reimu parents to inclined their biased over-protectiveness toward them. If matured, will burden their mates, neighbors and, eventually, even humans. Even expected them to sacrifice themselves for her! ---> 'touzen dayo!' grrr, the bitch.
) etc. etc. too injured. over-punished, near dead, can't respond.
Yada yada; good character babies does not meant good maturation. Tight, harsh discipline, good breeding are required. Also, on no-good paste-line, reimu-type and marisa-type, a great(er?)-half of them are Yunya~ or Insult! type