SPEAK WITH ENTHUSIASM This guidance teaches how one could speak with enthusiasm and how this would help one become a great English speaker. 1. Speak up If you speak too softly, how in the world will people be able to hear clearly what you have to say? Do not expect the listeners to be the ones to exert effort in trying to understand you, if you’re the one who wants to convey a message. 2. Be a singer Listen to songs. A good song has soft and loud parts, slow and fast parts. The changes in the volume and the rhythm makes the tune catchy, nice to listen to and even easy to remember at times. We should speak the same way. We should not speak in a monotonous tone that would put the listeners to sleep. We should sometimes speak fast, speak slowly, speak softly and speak loudly, depending on the ideas we would like to get across. 3. Feel it If you can’t feel what you say, why would you expect the message to have an impact to the ones listening? Whether you’re giving a speech, or taking an English exam, or answering a question, you should not sound as if you’re reading something from a very boring textbook. You should put more feelings into it. It’s not just the content that matters, it’s the delivery