Ground General Information with Examples
Another way to add credibility is to add examples to illustrate your points.
Examples are especially effective in converting general statements into
understandable and practical information. For instance, instead of saying
“We are working to care for the environment,” say “We are recycling
plastics, glass, aluminum, and paper in our efforts to care for the environment.”
The former sentence is general, the latter is specific.
Jed, a financial analyst, has to present a monthly report to senior executives
at his automotive supply company. “It’s tempting to make sweeping
statements to summarize the financial picture, but I’ve learned that
doing so only frustrates the executives and makes me look unprepared.
I now always include examples.”
Jed’s handout at a recent presentation included monthly data and summary
statistics, plus a one-page sheet listing trends and their impact on
the company. One trend he noted was “Worldwide rubber production
increased 2 percent last month. Fineguard, our major rubber supplier,
expects prices to go down by 1 percent in the coming months. This
price reduction will impact tires, windshield wipers, and gaskets.”
Jed added, “I used to report just the facts. By adding the examples
of where the savings will be felt—in which products, produced by which
suppliers—I help the executives see the strategic implications of the facts.