Table 1
Demographic data.
Participant Gender Age (months)
SRP-1 M 67
SRP-2 M 68
SRP-3 M 47
SRP-4 M 74
SRP-5 M 55
SRP-6 F 50
Mean (SD) 60.2 (11.0)
CC-1 M 74
CC-2 M 48
CC-3 M 71
CC-4 M 65
CC-5 M 78
CC-6 M 65
Mean (SD) 66.8 (10.5)
Note: Demographic data for children enrolled in the Son-Rise Program (SRP 1-6) and control children (CC 1-6).
either the United States or the United Kingdom. All participants were selected from families who had participated in an
initial SRP parent-training course offered at the Autism Treatment Center in Sheffield, Massachusetts, which provided
parents with an overview of basic SRP principles, but none of the children had received any SRP intervention prior to the
study. Six of these families, whose children met our inclusionary and exclusionary criteria, were enrolled in the SRP intensive