Two groups of subjects were included in this study, one
group with PFPS (n 5 29) and a second group with no known
knee condition (n 5 11). The PFPS group included 19 women
and 10 men with a mean age of 27.6 6 5.3 years, height of
169.80 6 10.5 cm, and weight of 69.59 6 15.8 kg. Data from
15 of these 29 subjects were used for the reliability testing.
Inclusion criteria for the subjects in the PFPS group were 2
of the following on initial assessment: pain on direct compression
of the patella against the femoral condyles with the
knee in full extension, tenderness on palpation of the lateral
surface of the patella, pain on resisted knee extension, or pain
with isometric quadriceps contraction against suprapatellar resistance
with the knee in slight flexion. These subjects’ symptoms
were consistent with the excessive lateral pressure syndrome
as described by Wilk et al.17 Exclusion criteria for both
groups included a history of patellar trauma; subluxation; dislocation;
confirmed ligamentous, meniscal, or fat-pad damage;
evidence of tendinitis, bursitis, or effusion; evidence of referred
pain from the back or hip; osteochondral or chondral
fractures; or upper or lower motor neuron lesion.18,19 The duration
of patellofemoral pain averaged 5.2 months for the
PFPS group. The normal group included 7 women and 4 men
with a mean age of 30.3 6 5.2 years, height of 169.55 6 9.9
cm, and weight of 69.42 6 14.6 kg. The normal subjects were
used to compare the LSIs.