Step 1
Place the paper that needs a correction on a firm, flat surface such as a table or counter top.
Step 2
Hold the correction tape applicator over the beginning of the writing you would like to correct.
Step 3
Set the tip of the correction tape applicator on the paper so the entire width of the tape is in contact with the paper and the bottom edge of the tape lines up with the bottom of the line to be corrected. Hold the applicator away from the paper at an angle so only the tip of the tape is touching the paper.
Step 4
Apply firm pressure to the correction tape applicator as you move it slowly across the text you would like to correct.
Step 5
Pick the correction tape applicator up off the paper to break the correction tape.
Step 6
Repeat the process to cover the remainder of the line if the text was too tall to be covered with one strip of correction tape.