Priti Barameeanan lead vocal.
Kachapak PoltanaChod guitarist
Tapana Na BangChang guitarist
Sugrid Siporaya < Sum> baseist
Anan Dadpecharatikron drummer
There are 5 members in the band , They studied in highschool at Rachwinitbangkaew. They joined Hot Wave Music Awards for band contest. The band name was Lucifer . After the contest, the band won many awards and after that they made the first album and signed with UP^G record
The song are elegant , convulse and warm in their lyric shows the happiness and sad
Bank had won the best lead vocal in Hot Wave Music Awards
Pol had won a King championship cup for the military band contest of Thailand
Hack had won a King championship cup for the military band contest of Thailand
Sum had won a King championship cup for the military band contest of Thailand
Yak had won a King championship cup for the military band contest of Thailand.
They are the greatest artist with talent. The awards is the guarantee that can tell people why they are famous and why their fan club love them