fermentation, b-glucosidase (aesculin hydrolysis) and bgalactosidase
activities but negative for the production of
flexirubin-type pigments, lipase (Tween 80), urease,
gelatinase and arginine dihydrolase activities, indole
production and the hydrolysis of cellulose, DNA and
casein. After 72 h incubation on MA at 25 uC, colonies are
smooth, yellow, with regular edges, 2–3 mm in diameter,
non-pigmented and slightly raised in the centre.
Moderately halophilic. Grows with 0–9% (w/v) NaCl
(optimum, 1–3 %) and at 10–37 uC (optimum, 25 uC) but
not at 4 uC or 41 uC