3.3 Hormone and animal associations
When investigating the effects between standard body condition metrics among sexes (SCL, SCW and mass) on hormone levels, there were no combination of variables to be significantly correlated to TT levels or E2 levels (all P-values>0.6).
However, we did detect significant differences in the effects of TT levels on various other aspects of animal metrics (i.e, behavior and home ranges).
Observed animal behaviors at the time of sampling, were significantly correlated with TT (F4.109 = 3.33, R2 = 0.85, P= 00071).
Post-hoc analysis revealed that the highest values of TT were associated with observed sexual and reproductive behaviors such as fighting, mating, or courting, but were not significantly different from values found while the animal was engaged in eating (Table 2).
The remaining activity classes (walking, resting, and buried under leaf litter) were all associated with lower TT values, but again were not significantly different from TT values in animals that were found eating (Table 2).