Benefits of PBL Approach in Teaching and Learning Process
The teaching and learning process using PBL approach that were carried out during the Introduction to Environmental Engineering course able to encourage and train the students to develop critical thinking, to be actively participate in the classroom/meetings and to be effective team members. In the engineering education, apart from producing engineers who possess in-depth technical knowledge it is also important for the engineers to be able to work effectively as a team member. Team working requires skills such as organizing meetings; negotiating, discussing and arguing; solving problems creatively; willingness to give ideas and opinions; leadership; communication (listening, talking and visual presentation) and others relevant skills (Andersen 2003). Team working played an important role in the overall success of projects. The learning process also enhanced the students’ skills to interact and communicate orally with each other. According to Wan Hamidon (2005) communication skills is among the important criteria by employers to select workers. The students awareness on environmental issues were at the same time improved by having the PBL activities. Environmental awareness was enhanced through the
PBL approach, whereby students were actively involved in gathering relevant information from various sources in solving the problems. No doubt there were a number of students who had difficulties to accept the PBL teaching approach that requires discussions and meetings among students and lecturer. Based on the attendance record of the meetings and complaints made by other team members of the group, only 2% of the students did not attend the meeting sessions that had created problems to other team members. Those students were then been advised by the lecturers on the importance of PBL approach.
Benefits of PBL Approach in Teaching and Learning ProcessThe teaching and learning process using PBL approach that were carried out during the Introduction to Environmental Engineering course able to encourage and train the students to develop critical thinking, to be actively participate in the classroom/meetings and to be effective team members. In the engineering education, apart from producing engineers who possess in-depth technical knowledge it is also important for the engineers to be able to work effectively as a team member. Team working requires skills such as organizing meetings; negotiating, discussing and arguing; solving problems creatively; willingness to give ideas and opinions; leadership; communication (listening, talking and visual presentation) and others relevant skills (Andersen 2003). Team working played an important role in the overall success of projects. The learning process also enhanced the students’ skills to interact and communicate orally with each other. According to Wan Hamidon (2005) communication skills is among the important criteria by employers to select workers. The students awareness on environmental issues were at the same time improved by having the PBL activities. Environmental awareness was enhanced through thePBL approach, whereby students were actively involved in gathering relevant information from various sources in solving the problems. No doubt there were a number of students who had difficulties to accept the PBL teaching approach that requires discussions and meetings among students and lecturer. Based on the attendance record of the meetings and complaints made by other team members of the group, only 2% of the students did not attend the meeting sessions that had created problems to other team members. Those students were then been advised by the lecturers on the importance of PBL approach.
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