Using the Ideal State as a Tool
One final point to address in aiding the transactional Value Stream Mapper to create a Future State Map includes a discussion of the ideal state. This ideal state, or longterm vision, can come into play much quicker, and become much more problematic, in transactional settings than in production value streams. In manufacturing environments, the Ideal State Map often includes new equipment and/or the introduction of new technologies. For the operator working in this setting, it is much easier to understand the concept of “use what you have now.” Because much of this equipment and new technology requires substantial capitalization, these employees recognize and understand the idea of long-term plans and phased implementation. However, in transactional environments, the employees do not always see it this way. With the exception of enterprise-wide software applications and systems, much of the change employees are accustomed to seeing does not require large amounts of capital, or the employees have little or no knowledge of the change until the day it is implemented. Therefore, these employees may struggle some with the idea of “what can we do right now?” To combat this situation, it may be necessary to create the Ideal State Map first. The sky is the limit. Use everyone on the team to create this long-term vision. No idea is too big or too small. Use the exact same methodology as we have talked about in this chapter and in Chapter 16 to get to a point where you have a clean Ideal State Map, with all the kaizen bursts required to make it a reality. Then work backwards. Start eliminating ideas that the team (or management) says cannot be completed in the next 6–12 months. Make sure everyone understands why items removed cannot be accomplished. Discuss the cost, legal issues, and/or corporate policy that require stockholder or board approval, as well as any other relevant factors.
Production versus Transactional: The Path Is the Same
Overall, the path to creating a Future State Map is the same for both production and transactional environments. The tools and concepts used in improving the value stream are no different in transactional settings than those used for manufacturing value streams. And because many “transactional” value streams are actually production processes anyway, it is possible to quickly apply these concepts. The bigger challenge with creating Future State Maps in a transactional world is the people. You must address quickly any fears, concerns, and misconceptions that people may have. Addressing these issues upfront while developing the