Authentic Assessment of the Young Child: Celebrating Development and Learning. Second Edition.
Puckett, Margaret B.; Black, Janet K.
The first edition of this book was written to encourage practitioners to adopt more "authentic" assessment practices. This second edition has been expanded to include new information and scholarship about the authentic assessment of young children and the types of information teachers need to implement quality authentic assessment strategies. The chapters are: (1) "Authentic Assessment: An Emerging Paradigm"; (2) "Implementing Authentic Assessment with Young Children"; (3) "The Basic in Authentic Assessment: Understanding Child Development and Learning"; (4) "Knowledge of Cultures and Developmental Diversity"; (5) "Knowledge of Subject Matter Content in the Curriculum"; (6) "Planning for Authentic Assessment"; (7) "Portfolio Development and Assessment"; (8) "Collaborating with Young Children To Promote Their Self-Assessment and Learning"; (9) "Collaborating with Families To Promote Authentic Assessment"; and (10) "Advocating for Quality Authentic Assessment Practices." Two appendixes contain a checklist for diversity in early childhood education and care and a discussion of developmentally appropriate practices for young children. (Contains 7 tables, 59 figures, and 344 references.) (SLD)