' The race has begun!' I cried. 'All six are there.' `Then Silver Blaze must be running,' said Ross, 'but I don't see him.
' Then we noticed a powerful horse to running with the others, and wearing the Colonel's colours. `That's not my horse! What have you done, Holmes?' `Well, let us see how he does,' said Holmes, unworried.
From where we stood we had an excellent view. The six horses were close together, but half-way along, the Capleton horse took the lead.
However, before long it had tired itself out, and the Colonel's horse won easily. `Well, it's my race,' said Colonel Ross. 'Don't you think you have kept up this mystery long enough, Holmes?' We walked over to the winning horse and Holmes explained.
'You have only to wash his face and leg, and you will find he is the same old Silver Blaze.'