I’ve Earned It
No one can argue with performance. Come in two or three hours early – or stay late – for a week or two. Then negotiate a day off in advance. “Really work when you’re there, so you’ll be able to feel good about taking time off,” says Andrea Nierenberg, president of The Nierenberg Group, a management consulting and personal marketing practice.
I’m Playing Golf with a Client
For this one to work, you’ve got to have a job that requires you to meet and court current and prospective clients. Neil Simpkins, an account executive at Oxford Communications, has used this one successfully. One note of caution: Meet the client; don’t just say you did.
I Have Cramps
Before you dismiss this one, think about it: Who can argue? “It’s such an embarrassing topic that nobody will ever challenge it,” says Jennifer Newman, vice president of Lippe Taylor Public Relations. She has used this excuse – and had it used on her – successfully. “It’s one of those things that men honestly have no clue about, and women can sympathize with.” One important point: Don’t use this one if you’re a man. It’ll never work.