3. Results and discussion
3.1. X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
The chemical compositions of the clamshell, combusted clamshell
(CS-CaO) and surfactant-hydration treated samples were
shown in Table 1. Based on the results, the clamshell and CS-CaO
showed calcium content comparable to commercial CaCO3 (STD
CaCO3). This indicated that waste clamshell is a potential resource
for CaO synthesis. In addition, the calcium content of surfactant
treated samples (CS-Ca(OH)2-EG, CS-Ca(OH)2-DE and CS-Ca(OH)2-
CTAB) remained high at 99.19%, 99.22% and 98.91%, respectively,
which were closed to calcium content of commercial nano-Ca(OH)2
(99.9%). There were no significant changes in the elemental composition
of the surfactant-hydration treated catalysts. This has
shown that the surfactants acted as barrier in the breakdown of
larger particles of CaO into smaller or singular forms without
digest the calcium source [37]. In addition, organic matter content
(%) was determined by using loss on ignition (Loi) method [35,36].
It was observed that the organic matter for waste clamshell was
found to be 4.79%, which is in agreement with the TGA analysis
(Supplementary Data 1). The organic matter in the inner layer of clamshell is mostly in the form of shell membranes and matrix
3. Results and discussion3.1. X-ray fluorescence (XRF)The chemical compositions of the clamshell, combusted clamshell(CS-CaO) and surfactant-hydration treated samples wereshown in Table 1. Based on the results, the clamshell and CS-CaOshowed calcium content comparable to commercial CaCO3 (STDCaCO3). This indicated that waste clamshell is a potential resourcefor CaO synthesis. In addition, the calcium content of surfactanttreated samples (CS-Ca(OH)2-EG, CS-Ca(OH)2-DE and CS-Ca(OH)2-CTAB) remained high at 99.19%, 99.22% and 98.91%, respectively,which were closed to calcium content of commercial nano-Ca(OH)2(99.9%). There were no significant changes in the elemental compositionof the surfactant-hydration treated catalysts. This hasshown that the surfactants acted as barrier in the breakdown oflarger particles of CaO into smaller or singular forms withoutdigest the calcium source [37]. In addition, organic matter content(%) was determined by using loss on ignition (Loi) method [35,36].It was observed that the organic matter for waste clamshell wasfound to be 4.79%, which is in agreement with the TGA analysis(Supplementary Data 1). The organic matter in the inner layer of clamshell is mostly in the form of shell membranes and matrix[38]
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