Luo Lin roared, “Wang Xuan, you cannot disturb those who have died. They were all once heroes who had made a great sacrifice for man. Do not touch the True Red Blade. Our sole goal is Despair!”
However, Wang Xuan did not listen to Luo Lin’s command and reached out to grab the True Red Blade. The second his hand touched the hilt, he suddenly shuddered, as though he was possessed. His eyes were filled with a strong greed and desire to kill and he laughed, “The True Red Blade, this really is the legendary True Red Blade!! If I, Wang Xuan, were to bring the True Red Blade back to Ba Huang City, then I’ll be able to use it to dominate the southern Barbarian Tribes and stretch the borders of the city all the way to the seas. That way, the world will know my name!”
Frost cast a glance at Wang Xuan and then looked towards Luo Lin, “Something’s not right. There isn’t a single sliver of holy air in this vicinity. Rather, everything feels dead. Is is possible, that the seventeen heroes have already become demons?”
Luo Lin nodded, “That’s highly likely. Just look at the way Wang Xuan is acting..”
Wang Xuan suddenly turned around to face them, his eyes glowing with a red light. He roared at Luo Lin, “You ignorant bastard! Let me show you the strength of the True Red Blade, Die!”
He tried to swing his True Red Blade, and slash at Luo Lin. However, Wang Xuan found that he couldn’t budge the sword. When he turned around to look, he was scared pale. The skeleton holding onto the sword slowly began to shiver and wake up. A pair of blood red eyes looked right back at him and let out a cold laugh, “You dare try and steal the weapon of I, Nan Shen? You are asking to die!”
As he said that, Nan Shen lightly touched him, and Wang Xuan’s hand was crushed. He cried out in pain and jumped backwards. “Hua La La”, the ancient hero stood up and his level appeared. It was a Lv 110 Saint Tier BOSS!
“Give me your life!”
Nan Shen raised his True Red Blade and jumped up. The blade shone with a chilling light.
Luo Lin shouted and jumped in front of Wang Xuan. He raised his blade and a protective shield appeared around them. “Keng!” Nan Shen was forced back. Looks like Luo Lin was very close to reaching the Holy Realm and his strength was well above Nan Shen. Gripping his sword, Luo Lin jumped up and dashed towards him. Then with three slashes, he cut off Nan Shen’s arm. Everyone was stupefied as they watched. No one thought that a prince like Luo Lin would have that much strength and power.
“Ge ge ge…”
Nan Shen let out a vicious laugh and he raised his sword, “Everyone, awaken from the depths of hell. Brothers of the Southern Tribe, attack! The time to awaken has come!”
All of the dead skeletons within a several hundred meter radius all awoke. The ancient heroes had now become a great enemy.
Wang Xuan immediately retreated backwards, “This…. what’s going on?”
Luo Lin was furious, “This is the result of your desires! Everyone, prepare for battle!”
I raised my Dragon Reservoir Sword and protected Dancing Forest, Dong Cheng and the rest of the girls. Old K, Li Mu, Wang Jian and the others battle instincts were pretty good and all split up to protect the other leather and cloth type players. As long as we protect them, there may still be a chance. That is the only way we can maintain enough DPS and heals to survive.
Not far in the distance, seven soldiers all slowly stood up from a ruined battle cart. They turned their heads slowly to look towards us. These soldiers all had similar names, but were split up into blade wielders, axe wielders, and so on and so forth. However, their stats were the exact same – –
[Battlefield Ghosts] (Type: Level 1 Hybrid Demon)
Level: 105
Attack: ???
Defense: ???
Health: ???
Skills: ???
Introduction: Battlefield Ghosts, this group of brave warriors that died on the battlefield have over the past tens of thousands of years undergone the pain of torture under their new Hyrbid Demon Masters. Finally, they became one of the Hybrid Demons themselves It is because they have such a high battle potential, that the Hybrid Demon Masters thought of the idea to use them to strengthen the power in the North.
“Careful, Hybrid Demons!” I shouted, “Focus on defending and healing!”
One Blade soldier suddenly roared and charged over. He raised his broadsword and slashed it downward. It was a [Skyshaker Slash]! I could only raise both of my swords in front of me to parry the blow. I felt my arms go numb and pain shot through me——
What a terrifying attack power!