In Yukkuri stories, Anonymous or Anon, is a human, usually assumed to be a physically fit, mid-twenties male. Later stories may show younger or female anons. No other details are presumed and will be explicitly spelled out if necessary for the story.
Anonymous typically may be divided in three main categories:
The Abuser, finding some Yukkuri invading her or his house or otherwise being annoyed or bothered by them, captures, tortures, abuses or kills them. The story focuses on graphic descriptions of this activity, thus giving life to the “Abuse” or “Abyuse” stories, usually ending with an ironical "Happy End" in which the unruly Yukkuri ends up dead or grieviously injured in ways calling upon “poetic justice” for its misdeeds. Some peculiarly evil or prejudiced Anons may bully and abuse even a nicehead Yukkuri, thus leading to Abyuse stories in which a good yukkuri is corrupted into becoming a shithead and then killed, or merely tortured because its nicer nature makes that more enjoyable for a sadistic Anon.
The Owner buys a Yukkuri from a Yukkuri Pet Shop or adopts a koyukkuri or a nicehead wild or stray, caring for it much like she or he would do with a pet. Some younger Anons are expected to do some mistakes and lose heart at first, but eventually they all end up caring for the Yukkuri, thus giving life to the “Family Friendly” stories, in which Yukkuris and humans coexist peacefully.
The Incompetent is a cross between the Abuser and the Owner. Good natured and willing to have a Yukkuri as a pet, the Incompetent ends up mistreating and harming it out of sheer incompetence, whereas an “Abuser” would deliberately harm and bully an unruly Yukkuri. The Incompetent Owner, for example:
may decide to change her or his pet’s name, oblivious to the fact that Yukkuris are unable to take it easy if not addressed with the name of their species, often rechristening their pet with a really humiliating name, oblivious to its complaints
may force a nicehead koyukkuri into sharing its yukkurarium with a shithead, bullying it by thinking its antics are just a way to play with the nicer ko
may be completely oblivious to yukkuri behavior and needs, scolding a koyukkuri for declaring its home an “Easy Place”, shaking a koyukkuri until its “refreshing” instinct kicks in and dies by prematurely expelling bean paste, berating a ko for being “noisy” or overfeed a noisy koyukkuri because she or he believes it's just crying because hungry
may use soda or sweet sake instead of orange juice, believing that the orangey flavor or the sugar is the only element of the drink needed to heal the yukkuri, thus sending it in shock or making it drunk.
may give her or his pet shoddy medical care by piercing its wounds together with a piece of spaghetti instead of flour and fresh orange juice, using expired orange juice to cover a wound (thus “infecting” it) or, believing that any sweet drink is “magic,” forget to seal up the larger wounds with flour or keep a koyukkuri for too long in a cup of orange juice, thus damaging its skin more.
may end up grieviously injuring an otherwise healthy yukkuri because she or he lacks knowledge about their anatomy, such as cutting off or puncturing away the small peni peni in a ko, believing it a boil, or incorrectly applying a yukkuri castration kit and and sealing up the intestines of her or his pet.
may tape the mouth and the anyaru of a koyukkuri throwing up bean paste after having read how dangerous is for a ko to lose mass instead of curing the ailment eliciting its stress, or leave her or his koyukkuri alone at home, taking few (if any) precautions to ensure its safety or with abusive pet sitters.
may decide to play high high with a koyukkuri, clumsily dropping it from too far up or letting it fall onto the corner of the table or the yukkurarium, utterly oblivious to their frail body structure.
may forget to give a pregnant yukkuri the given soft materials to place around itself, thus condemning the stalk-born koyukkuris to splatter on the hard ground.
may give in to a koyukkuri request to hop out its yukkurarium but forgetting to remove dangerous items from the desk, such as lit cigarettes, uncovered box cutters, letter openers or pointy staples, ending up with a crying and injured koyukkuri.
In Yukkuri stories, Anonymous or Anon, is a human, usually assumed to be a physically fit, mid-twenties male. Later stories may show younger or female anons. No other details are presumed and will be explicitly spelled out if necessary for the story.Anonymous typically may be divided in three main categories:The Abuser, finding some Yukkuri invading her or his house or otherwise being annoyed or bothered by them, captures, tortures, abuses or kills them. The story focuses on graphic descriptions of this activity, thus giving life to the “Abuse” or “Abyuse” stories, usually ending with an ironical "Happy End" in which the unruly Yukkuri ends up dead or grieviously injured in ways calling upon “poetic justice” for its misdeeds. Some peculiarly evil or prejudiced Anons may bully and abuse even a nicehead Yukkuri, thus leading to Abyuse stories in which a good yukkuri is corrupted into becoming a shithead and then killed, or merely tortured because its nicer nature makes that more enjoyable for a sadistic Anon.The Owner buys a Yukkuri from a Yukkuri Pet Shop or adopts a koyukkuri or a nicehead wild or stray, caring for it much like she or he would do with a pet. Some younger Anons are expected to do some mistakes and lose heart at first, but eventually they all end up caring for the Yukkuri, thus giving life to the “Family Friendly” stories, in which Yukkuris and humans coexist peacefully.The Incompetent is a cross between the Abuser and the Owner. Good natured and willing to have a Yukkuri as a pet, the Incompetent ends up mistreating and harming it out of sheer incompetence, whereas an “Abuser” would deliberately harm and bully an unruly Yukkuri. The Incompetent Owner, for example:may decide to change her or his pet’s name, oblivious to the fact that Yukkuris are unable to take it easy if not addressed with the name of their species, often rechristening their pet with a really humiliating name, oblivious to its complaintsmay force a nicehead koyukkuri into sharing its yukkurarium with a shithead, bullying it by thinking its antics are just a way to play with the nicer komay be completely oblivious to yukkuri behavior and needs, scolding a koyukkuri for declaring its home an “Easy Place”, shaking a koyukkuri until its “refreshing” instinct kicks in and dies by prematurely expelling bean paste, berating a ko for being “noisy” or overfeed a noisy koyukkuri because she or he believes it's just crying because hungrymay use soda or sweet sake instead of orange juice, believing that the orangey flavor or the sugar is the only element of the drink needed to heal the yukkuri, thus sending it in shock or making it drunk.may give her or his pet shoddy medical care by piercing its wounds together with a piece of spaghetti instead of flour and fresh orange juice, using expired orange juice to cover a wound (thus “infecting” it) or, believing that any sweet drink is “magic,” forget to seal up the larger wounds with flour or keep a koyukkuri for too long in a cup of orange juice, thus damaging its skin more.may end up grieviously injuring an otherwise healthy yukkuri because she or he lacks knowledge about their anatomy, such as cutting off or puncturing away the small peni peni in a ko, believing it a boil, or incorrectly applying a yukkuri castration kit and and sealing up the intestines of her or his pet.
may tape the mouth and the anyaru of a koyukkuri throwing up bean paste after having read how dangerous is for a ko to lose mass instead of curing the ailment eliciting its stress, or leave her or his koyukkuri alone at home, taking few (if any) precautions to ensure its safety or with abusive pet sitters.
may decide to play high high with a koyukkuri, clumsily dropping it from too far up or letting it fall onto the corner of the table or the yukkurarium, utterly oblivious to their frail body structure.
may forget to give a pregnant yukkuri the given soft materials to place around itself, thus condemning the stalk-born koyukkuris to splatter on the hard ground.
may give in to a koyukkuri request to hop out its yukkurarium but forgetting to remove dangerous items from the desk, such as lit cigarettes, uncovered box cutters, letter openers or pointy staples, ending up with a crying and injured koyukkuri.
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