The stimulatory effect of... on plant growth is dependent on adequate nutrient supply.for exsample, Nitrogen concentration in plant tissue generally decrease under....which in leaves is commonly related to decrease in rubisco concentration and activity, and therefore linked to photosynthetic downward acclimation.This effect is also of direct concern for food production where decreased Nitrogen and protein content can have negative effects on product quality (e.g. grain protein).Plant nutrient metaboism appears to adjust to a new physiological equilibrium under...which limits the extent to which nutrient appplication can ameliorate the situation.what the control points are for an adjustment of plant Nitrogen metabolism is unclear.Rubisco metabolism in leaves, Nitrogen assimilation, Nitrogen translocation or Nitrogen uptake are all potential keyesteps that may be inhibited or downregulated under... .To achive the best possible growth response whilst maintaining product quality, it is important to understand plant nutrient metabolism under...