43. As the global environment in which INTERPOL operated changed, the Organization had to anticipate and adapt to the new challenges facing police forces worldwide. Therefore, while defining INTERPOL’s overall objective and general approach to fulfill its mission, the Organization’s Strategic Framework evolved with the global environment. Again in 2013, the key drivers of change and their implications on policing had been analyzed through the INTERPOL 2013 Environmental Scamming process, before being further discussed by INTERPOL’s Management.
44. Based on the key trends highlighted in the Scand and the outcomes of the 5th Strategic Planners Conference, implications for policing had been identified, both at the national and international levels. They covered four main aspect” issues of anonymity and [un]traceability which had emerged as a clear challenge for police in their traditional detective work; changing demographics combined with the complexity of global-scale technological issues also raised new concerns over the implications of expanded vulnerability in an increasingly interconnected world; the far-reaching effects of fiscal austerity on policing; and the evolving relationship between the public and private sector.
45. The document presented the process through which the 2014-2016 Strategic Framework had been prepared, as well as the main changes that the new Strategic Framework identified for the next three-year period [2014-2016].
46. The German DELEGATE welcomed the strategic paper since it was proof of constant evolution and assisted member countries to identify crime areas. He noted that cybercrime was specifically mentioned in the objectives.
47. The IGCI would play an important role in fighting cybercrime and would be a center of competence for INTERPOL> Germany would assist by seconding officers to the IGCI.
48. He was pleased to note the creation of the working group on external funding, and the guidelines of the working group would strengthen INTERPOL’s integrity.
49. The INTERPOL General Assembly was requested to adopt the draft resolution.
a. Votes cast: 116
b. Votes in favor: 114
c. Votes against: 0
d. Abstentions: 2
50. The resolution was adopted.
51. The SECRETARY GENERAL informed the delegates that the present General Assembly would be Mr.Zaccardelli’s last, after his 44 years of service to the police including five years with INTERPOL.