Such work turns out to be very compatible with work which sets out to
specify the discourse structure of academic textbooks and articles. Such analysis has often studied science texts, both ·because they are highly
structured in some rather obvious ways, and also because of the importance
of such texts to foreign learners of English in EST and EAP courses. The aim
of such work is to identify discourse plans such as: problem-solution;
assertion-justification; exemplification-clarification-c.onclusion. (See Roe,
1977, Hutchins, 1977, on science books; and Tadros, 1980, for similar work
on economics textbooks). Montgomery's (1977) work on the discourse
structure of science lectures also contributes to this approach to EAP.
Academic lecturing is characteristically a mixed mode: partly spontaneous
spoken language, but based on written notes. But Montgomery's work could
also be considered under listening comprehension below.