According to GAAP , intellectual capital is the value of firms intangible assets that aren’t reflected on the balance sheet. Intellectual Capital Disclosure
The failure of financial statement in informating the ability of creating value of intangible asset (Lev and Zarowin, 1999), increasing the information asymmetry between the firms and the users of the financial accounting (Healy and Palepu, 2001). This information asymmentry creates inefficiency on the resources allocation process on the capital market (Li, Pike and Hainffa, 2008). Rylander et al. (2000) reviewed the major issues of intellectual capital disclosure and summarized them as follows:
1. The information asymmentry gap is growing as the proportion of company value attributable to intangible assets increases. 2. Long term information, particularly on strategic intent and execution, was laking from company reporting but was considered to be of particular importance to external stkeholeders, especially the investors. 3. Standards and comparability relating to the disclosure of intellectual capital would remain a major issue. 4. Value creation models could provide information to complement traditional reporting required by law