Everyday Life / Profession:
You have the seventh and last Uranus-Pluto square, as well as a solar eclipse, behind you now. This is the time to take a deep breath and get an overview of things. Can you detect progress? Or has your situation gotten worse? On the first two days of this week, you will be inclined to not want any further changes (Taurus Moon), but the Gemini Moon invites you to see things in a different light. This may even succeed on Thursday. On Friday, the Cancer Moon will once again make you careful and reserved. You need to digest and process the changes before you can take the next step. Allow yourself time!
Partnership / Love:
Venus and Neptune are in a favorable connection at the start of the week. Love, peace, and harmony? The Taurus Moon believes that things should not be rushed now. But Mercury must wander past Chiron, where the sore point is addressed once again. How sore is this point still? Can you forget and forgive so that you can finally let things be? That would be healing. The constellations would agree with establishing peace. On the weekend, you will see whether you have been successful.