I know you have a lot to do so i can understand if it takes time to replay, it is OK.
Here in Sweden the snow is almost gone soon, but today it is blowing much. I´m
free this week to from factory and i Think a lot of you. When you come to me mabye
i can fix a work at my auctioncompany for a few hours/week so you can send some
Money to your family. What do you Think about that ?
In the summertime ( juni-juli augusti) we have a lot of work and i understand you have
a lot of work with the fruit at the same time. If you arrive to Sweden at autum (oktober-november)
it is good. I really would like to show you Winter, snow, skiing, skating and mabye snowmobile.
I like to hear you manage the family Company and take care of your father and mother but
is it ok. for them to manage the Company when you visit me ? Now it is time to go to bed and
i Think i will Dream about you tonight EmojiEmojiEmoji.
Many kisses and hugs from yours Åke.