Ensure that your messaging is integrated
Make sure each element of your marketing campaign "is set up to drive traffic to your ultimate target, whether your target is a website (for purchases, reservations, email newsletter subscriptions, blog RSS subscriptions, etc.) or a social network like Facebook or Twitter (for engagement)," advises Tracie Broom, partner, Flock and Rally, an agency that specializes in integrated marketing communications.
"Include links to this online real estate in press releases and on select marketing collaterals," she continues. "Simply including a client's Twitter handle on printed materials can help influencers connect more easily with the brand and spread [the word on] their networks," Broom says. In addition, "URLs and usernames should be as uniform as possible, e.g. @FlockandRally, FlockandRally.com, etc.," she says. And be sure to use the same keywords and phrases throughout your integrated marketing campaigns.