When a fetus was born he or she becomes a separate unit from the mother as an individual biological being. If the person is normal physically and mentally, he or she would be a perfect infant. But he or she cannot survive without the nurturing of the mother or other family members. He or she has to be fed to survive and grow up with the passage of time. But of more importance is the socialization or education instilled by the parent or parents or others to be able to survive socially. So from a biological being, the person would be educated to become a social being to be able to survive in a society. Then the person has to be taught to hunt, to gather food or to grow food to feed the hungry stomach. This aspect is loosely speaking the professional part which in a modern society today involves expertise in medical science, engineering, teaching, law, etc. This is to allow the person to have professional education so that he or she can earn bread and butter. Then there is what is known as political education. The person must learn about the political system in which he or she lives in. He or she has to acquire knowledge of politics and government and through the process of learning as well as doing, to acquire political culture. Last is the aspect which governs a person’s conscience, morality and ethic. This is to be socialized to become a good spiritual being. So the process of education after a new biological has come into existence would involve social education, professional education, political education and spiritual education