Chu Feng this foot seems like cruel, the criterion of but in fact putting one's foot down was just good, it can be said that stepped on the purple Kun's head remnantly rottenly, but also being insufficient made him be killed violently, at least the mortal body can also repair, he must use purple Kun's pitiful condition at this moment, stimulates the nerve of person of Zi Family.
„Father Sir, puts them to walk, otherwise this bastard will certainly kill Kun.” Saw the own son half head was stepped on flatly, the tears that the purple Kun's parents love dearly flowed, hurried to pray for rescue from Zi Family Patriarch.
„Shut up, although the life of Kun is important, but is actually inferior to my Zi Family to be important.”
„Kun, you could rest assured that you sacrificed for my Zi Family entire clan, the grandfather will certainly revenge for you.” Zi Family Patriarch clenched teeth, afterward does not attend to the purple Kun's life unexpectedly, the sleeve robe wields, layer upon layer Martial Energy surges, launched the terror offensive to Chu Feng once again.
„, Purple Kun is not I do not give you opportunity, is your grandfather wants to take your life, goes, round your grandfather's wish.”
Looked at that to be formerly more tyrannical than the offensive of several fold, some Chu Feng as if early expectations, the corners of the mouth strangely went up, during the speeches the under foot made an effort, kicked up purple Kun unexpectedly high, kicks in the Martial Energy offensive that Zi Family Patriarch that has swept across to come.
„Father, does not want!!!” Sees that the purple Kun's parents, hurry to drink to stop loudly.
„Damn”, but Zi Family Patriarch has not thought that Chu Feng with own grandson, when shield, although has completed has let the plan that purple Kun sacrificed, but he has not prepared, oneself kill his grandson personally.
Therefore saw with own eyes that the situation is not wonderful, Zi Family Patriarch hurries to receive to incur, is the strength of Chu Feng this foot is very full, but also does not need he to take back the offensive successfully, purple Kun has fallen into his Martial Energy vortex.
Finally, under glare of the public eye, Zi Family Patriarch grandson purple Kun, in Martial Energy that then in Zi Family Patriarch condenses, was stirred the smashing, the not to mention mortal body, the god knows with Source, has not left behind half, even including blood by direct evaporation.
„I want you to live to might as well die!!!”
His grandson, died in oneself hand unexpectedly, Zi Family Patriarch was stimulated by Chu Feng successfully, no longer received the hand, instead enhanced the effort of attack, that was the ordinary Martial Energy attack, changed in the midair unexpectedly, changed to a fierce flame macrostomia, was opening the big mouth, swallowed to Chu Feng.
This Martial Technique grade is not high, however in the stimulation of movement of Martial Lord, exceptionally is terrorist, that roaring flame, the underground palace wall, twinkling roasted fiery red, just like can burn all general, sent out layer upon layer the steam including the air, has not approached, Zi Ling and others felt the heat wave that was hard to resist, unceasing flinching backward.
„” Sees that the Chu Feng hurrying big sleeve wields, before the Zi Ling and others body, has arranged two barriers, one is indestructible Formation, one is the Third Rank Martial Lord pressure, protects the Zi Ling and others security by this.
But after completing these, the Chu Feng then left hand pinches the Secret Art, the right hand knocks out the fist, Martial Energy surges, changed to the dreadful rough sea waves unexpectedly, that rough sea waves galloping Yu Kong, just like vast expanse of water sea, not only the momentum is scary, the implication strength is also exceptionally fierce.
This is Eigth Rank Martial Technique, Chu Feng when plundering other people's resources obtained, reason that practices, for displayed at this time.
„Bang ~~~~~” a bang transmits, the roaring flame and rough sea waves occur simultaneously, two nature different strengths, start four to kill in this piece of space, finally, the attack of Zi Family Patriarch and Chu Feng, makes no distinction between victory and defeat unexpectedly, counter-balances mutually.
But this lets the person of Zi Family, is surprised, is not only they, Zi Xuanyuan as well as Zi Ling parental and others is also is startled.
Because they have not thought really that Chu Feng can contend with Zi Family Patriarch unexpectedly, after all beforehand Zi Family Patriarch said that Chu Feng is also only Third Rank Martial Lord, Third Rank Martial Lord fights Sixth Rank Martial Lord, this is almost the impossible matter.