Refining the course designs
After you finish the initial design of the courses, you will want to spend time refining the design until the
courses are exactly the way you want them. Usually there will be an initial refinement, following by field work
checking the control locations, followed by additional refinement after the field work. Several features of
Purple Pen can make this process efficient.
As you move or delete controls, all courses that share that control are immediate updated. You can easily see
the effect of any change, or undo it if it is not to your liking.
You can quickly see the set of all controls in the event by clicking on the All Controls tab. This allows you to see if
you have too many controls, and easily identify places where controls could be shared between courses. You
can also print an all controls map for field work.
While designing a course, you can view all the other controls in the event by using View/All Controls. This allows
you to easily identify places where controls could be shared between courses.
The Control and Leg Load report allows you to check if some controls or legs have too many competitors.
One your have finalized control locations, you can entire the description for each control by simply clicking in
the appropriate box in the control description pane.