It might not be the best year but it is a preparation for the best year I supposed, I honestly plan to punch the heck out of people faces just to fulfil my wrath, however in the end something in my heart says no, I instead even said sorry to my old enemies and I felt like I love everybody, Maybe it is because it is the final day for us this year, People who hurts me actually make me felt good to them, My friends actually were the best I have got, I love everyone no matter what and yes thanks for this year 2015-2016 ascot international school end of term 3... This year is a very lofe changing year for me, Friends, Fights, Funs all of those. Thanks for all... Thanks to my classmates such as @kkongsuck @f.oremost for being such a good friend in class, @popumap234 for being such a frenemies who get me a laughter, @armyarms @bb.bobb @biwbiw.thitirat @naris_swat @p.orpor @roy_ascot7 @hello_bleh @stephh.hx @s.shota23 for being my classmates and even if some don't get along with me thanks for teaching me a lesson in life, @baibuaxxpxyy @mikao.mmy @winnieezzz @redecca2604 @mei_ginger @theboywholovesbumblebee @ai.nithit @torfunc @mindjung_ka for being a hell kouhai mates who makes me laugh in happiness and fights all the time I love ya guys, And for everyone elses for fulfilling my life, Alot is leaving so good luck, I love everyone so yeah have fun thanks for 2015-2016 and yeah see you soon in destiny...