Colour. Male, live specimen (Fig. 1A–C). The dorsolateral surface of body has a dark greenish black
background with numerous round black spots. The belly is gray-black with a white reticulated network. Preserved
specimens from Ban Maet, Amphoe Sang Khom, Udon Thani Province, exhibit a yellow and greenish-black
background dorsolaterally (Fig. 2A–C). On the female, the dorsolateral surface of the body has a yellow or light
greenish-black background with numerous round black spots. The belly has a white background with many small
dark spots (Fig. 2D–F). There are several large dark spots on the lateral surface of the body in male and female
specimens. Adult specimens of T. palustris have no ocellus on the flank while small juvenile specimens show only
one ocellated spot with a red center. This ocellus changes to a large round black spot in the adult. The eye is orange
to red. Pectoral, dorsal and anal fins are translucent greenish while the caudal fin is opaque and greenish-black