You ask Hel about the half-breed girl that helped the two of you find this place, and offered you information below.
“Oh! You met Kiri? That’s great, Ninja.” With a little chuckle, Hel adds, “She’s a cutie, isn’t she? Nice ass, too.”
You smack your face with your palm and ask for something a little more concrete about her.
“Oh, right. I met her a couple years back, when she was just a little shit. Momma bird here hadn’t quite gotten the phoenix formula down, I guess. Anyway, some minotaur had gotten a hold of her, was gonna drag her back home and pump her full of minitaurs or whatever. Probably 'cause she’s so red, you know? 'Taurs hate that color for some reason.”
“So, I bopped the bull on the head and saved her. More to keep down the 'taur population than actually help her, but hey. She certainly appreciated it. Been friends ever since.”
With a knowing look, you ask if they’re more than just friends.
“Dude, come on, you know me. Give me SOME credit, will ya? I’m not letting an ass like that go to waste.”
You roll your eyes and laugh with her.
You ask Hel about the half-breed girl that helped the two of you find this place, and offered you information below.
“Oh! You met Kiri? That’s great, Ninja.” With a little chuckle, Hel adds, “She’s a cutie, isn’t she? Nice ass, too.”
You smack your face with your palm and ask for something a little more concrete about her.
“Oh, right. I met her a couple years back, when she was just a little shit. Momma bird here hadn’t quite gotten the phoenix formula down, I guess. Anyway, some minotaur had gotten a hold of her, was gonna drag her back home and pump her full of minitaurs or whatever. Probably 'cause she’s so red, you know? 'Taurs hate that color for some reason.”
“So, I bopped the bull on the head and saved her. More to keep down the 'taur population than actually help her, but hey. She certainly appreciated it. Been friends ever since.”
With a knowing look, you ask if they’re more than just friends.
“Dude, come on, you know me. Give me SOME credit, will ya? I’m not letting an ass like that go to waste.”
You roll your eyes and laugh with her.
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