participate, of whom 72 agreed, while 5 declined due to work or other s cheduling conflicts. Three DMSES and 2 IHLC data were missing. B a c k g round Characteristics Patients’ characteristics are shown in Table 1. Mean age of the adherence and nonadherence groups was 58 .1 years (range 32 to 82) and 53.4 years (range 22 to 75), respectively. Significant differences between groups were seen for education, duration of dialysis, BMI, nPCR, serum potassium, serum phosphate, and K t / V. Fluid Co n t rol Ad h e rence Figure 1 shows the histogram for I W L /DW. The prevalence of nonadherence, defined as IWL/DW greater than 5.7%, was 30.6% (22 / 72 ) . Table 1 Baseline