Yes, the games are not the important thing here, we have finally connected and THAT is the important thing. Since we have connected, I try to think about
what we would do if we lived closer together, then, I think about what we CAN do since we don’t live close together. If we lived closer, I would try to teach you
all that I know, and SHARE with you what I can, just like other fathers do with their son’s and daughters. It is difficult living far apart, at least we can email and Skype.
My life is so much happier now that I can see and talk to you and Sherry. Sara likes it as well since she does not have any children of her own. She thinks of you and
Sherry and your family's, as her family. You should have seen her face the other day when she said to me, look, I have an email from Jean, Steve’s daughter.
She was a happy lady with a smile on her face. All for now, more next time.