Seeds of six niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.) varieties ('GA-10', 'ONS-8', TGP-72', N71', NB-9' and UN-4') were treated with 0.5, 0.75 and 1% ethyl methanesulphonate. After four generations of selection, 29 mutant lines were developed and those were evaluated from 1990-92 during Kharif (July to October) and Rabi (December to March) seasons. Average plant characteristics and yield data of four high yielding mutants along with TGP-76' (National Check), GA-10 (Zonal Check) and Semiliguda Local' (Local Check) are presented in the Table 1. The high yielding mutants, their parental varieties, mutagenic origin and major characteristic improvement over check varieties are as follows: