The main purpose of retail business is to continuously maintain the responsiveness to the changing trends in consumer fashion tastes through quickly creating new designs that are suitable for all customers with an affordable price. Hence, the importance of Supply Chain (Management) has appeared. The objectives of this study are to analyze the impact of
purchasing and supply chain management strategies in retail industry and identify the way of success of AZEL FRANCE Retailer Company of ZARA clothing in Bosnia and Herzegovina from supply chain perspective management by conducting a survey study. AZEL FRANCE is found to be successful in that it can control and streamline the highly consumable fashion items in their supply chains so that they can greatly decrease their lead time and thus increase be responsive enough for
fast changes in fashion customer needs and desires by minimizing the industry risks. The retailer stores of AZEL FRANCE are also found to be confident about the future profitability. However,some technical inabilities of the company are also identified. It can be suggested that AZELFRANCE can easily leverage more its successfully implemented supply chain activities by increasing its technical abilities