In spite of strong competition from summit meetings. Direct contacts between statesmen, special missions, and contacts between agencies outside of diplomatic channels, the ambassador continues to play a policy pole. It his privilege to determine the course of the policies of his mission in the host country. He does so on the basis of the foreign policy interests and goals of his country and the instructions they he has received. How much leeway he enjoys depends upon the circumstances. If his foreign ministry has the practice of give free reign to its mark on political visa-vis the host country. If relations between his country and the host country are not close, he will also be able to make important decisions. These are the advantages of faraway posts. The ambassador is in a less favorable position when his superiors at home keep a tight reign over his action or if the policies or if the policies towards the host country have been fixed in detail over the years. The ambassador is, however. Still the man on the spot who translates his country’s policy into action