2) Institutional development
The viability of voluntary participatory management by
local villagers is questionable unless they are properly constituted
and realize tangible early benefits for their members
(IUCN, 1995a-e). The first step, therefore, is to establish and
identify reliable local organizations which co-operate with the
Forest Department (FD). Provision of economic incentives to
maintain forests for their own benefit and the capability building
on both FD officers and local villagers through the planning
process of conservation forest management are vital.
In the management plans two-level committees are proposed
to be established: Village Forest Participatory Management
Committee (VFPMC) and Divisional Forest Participatory
Management Committee (DFPMC). The VFPMC
in each village is composed of elected representatives t¥om the
community's forest user groups, the political leaders of the village
(Grama Nildhari), local monks and other local repre