1. Obtain a listing of all cash accounts as well as related loan and similar contracts, including bank accounts closed during the year, from the Company.
2. Send confirmation to all bank bank guarantees, etc, derivatives.
3. On receipts of cash accounts, review the returned bank confirmations for the agreement of balances per books and per reply.
4. Trace the balances of cash accounts per books to bank statements.
5. Review the details of security, guarantees, liens, pledges and restrictions over the Company's use of cash, and agree details of all such items with the company.
6. Review the outstanding balances of derivatives e.g. forward contracts, swap agreements. For fair value of derivative, consider to book in the accounts or propoerly disclosed in the notes to financial statements.
7. Consider separately confirm material accounts, agreements, or transactions other than deposit and loan balances (e.g., derivative products, import/export letters of credit).