Hidden Treasures What would you do if you lound a buried treasure or a valuable painting in your attic? That's what happened to these people David Crisp, an amateur treasure hunter, found about 52,500 ancient Roman coins in a field in southwestern England. Mr. Crisp used a metal detector to find the treasure. The coins were buried in large clay pot that was about 30 centimeters deep and that weighed about 160 kilograms Mr. Crisp first found several loose coins, but he resisted the temptation to dig up the whole pot. He contacted archaeologists, who excavaued the contents. The coins were from the late third century AD and they are worth around S500.000. Crisp cannot keep the coins by law. but he gets some of the money from the sale of the coins to a museum When a couple in the United States retired, they decided to sell some antique furniture their house. Mr. Kuhn, the deaier also happened to So they called an antique dealer know a lot about art, and he immediately noticed a curious painting that the couple had hanging on their wall. He asked where it came from. "It came from Switzerland. We inherited it from a relative. It's been in the family for over 30 years," said the woman The dealer identified the painting as a Van Gogh on the spor. "When told them what thought it was, they laughed. They didn't believe it recalls Kuhn. It was authenticated in Amsterdam as a genuine painting by Van Gogh. No one had known that this painting existed, At an auction, "StillLife with sold for $1.4 million Do you think that there are any treasures where you live? Where would you look for them?