Preparation of solutions and gels
Aqueous solutions of gelatin andk-carrageenan were prepared
separately. Initially, samples of given weight swelled in distillated
water at 20C during 1 h. Then they were dissolved at elevated
temperatures, 50C and 80C, respectively. This protocol allowed us
to obtain homogenous sols of both components. After that,k-carrageenan solutions added to gelatin solutions in ratios corresponding to aspirational biopolymer concentrations in sampled for further study.
Gels were obtained from native gelatin (gelatin gels) or from gelatin
with addedk-carrageenan (modified gels) solutions under cooling to
14C. All studies were carried out for gels with gelatin concentration,
CG, from 1 to 2 g/100 g of gel and k-carrageenan concentration,CK,
varied in the range from 0.05 to 1 g/100 g of gel.