Students Freedom of Speech in School
By wenxinshao, may 2013 | 9 Pages (2118 Words) | 541 Views |
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Student’s Freedom of Speech in Public School
The First Amendment states that all citizens of the U.S have freedom of religion, petition, assembly, press, and speech. The First Amendment was written and adopted for over two hundred years of American History. Throughout this period people have questioned the extent of freedom that they were given through the First Amendment. The freedom of speech is probably the most misunderstood of all the five components in that the freedom of speech has been altered through many times in court. The U.S government has altered the freedom of speech many times in court, whether it be expanding the rights that were given with the freedom of speech or diminishing the power of it and thus prohibiting people from saying what the government deems as harmful and disruptive to others around them. With the freedom of speech so questioned and confusing to even the general public it is no wonder that when the freedom was put into a public school setting with a bunch of adolescence and kids the topic becomes a hot spot for debating whether students should have the full extent of the protection from the First Amendment.
In a public school setting which is own by the state government the students are promise to have their rights as citizens of the U.S protected to the full extent of the law as stated “students in school as well as out of school are ‘persons’ under our Constitution” (U.S Supreme Court) . Some people agree with the judgment that students are considered U.S citizens and because they are in a public area the students should enjoy the full extent of the rights that were given to them as U.S citizens like any other people, however there is always two sides of a the same coin and thus some suggest to restraint the rights of students to an extent because of the belief that students are not fully grown adults and thus do not have the rationality to use their rights correctly. One of the most debating topics of students in public