An increased production of white blood cells indicates that the body is responding to an infection, a
reaction to a drug or immune system disorder (Chechik et al., 1986). In our study, the heterophil count was
higher (P < 0.05) for 21 DOA chickens fed control diet as compared to those in the OligoPKE supplemented
diets (Table 5). Since higher heterophils is an indication of stress response, the lower count of chickens fed
OligoPKE demonstrated that OligoPKE supplementation reduced stressors possibly including those from
bacterial and fungal infections. In agreement with this study, Brune et al. (1972) and Vleck et al. (2000) reported
that oligosaccharides supplementation reduced blood heterophils in stressed chickens and penguins, respectively.
An increased production of white blood cells indicates that the body is responding to an infection, areaction to a drug or immune system disorder (Chechik et al., 1986). In our study, the heterophil count washigher (P < 0.05) for 21 DOA chickens fed control diet as compared to those in the OligoPKE supplementeddiets (Table 5). Since higher heterophils is an indication of stress response, the lower count of chickens fedOligoPKE demonstrated that OligoPKE supplementation reduced stressors possibly including those frombacterial and fungal infections. In agreement with this study, Brune et al. (1972) and Vleck et al. (2000) reportedthat oligosaccharides supplementation reduced blood heterophils in stressed chickens and penguins, respectively.
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