Injection molding is a complex process regulated by many factors (injection speed, injection pressure, melt temperature, mold
temperature, and others). Despite, process control and parameter optimization, it is often difficult to replicate thermoplastic
components with adequate dimensional accuracy, especially in the case of geometries with high aspect ratios. For these reason,
there is a need for innovative moulding technologies such as Injection Compression Molding – ICM or Vacuum Injection
Moulding – VIM. In this paper conventional injection molding – IM is compared to ICM and VIM for the replication of optical
thermoplastic microscale prism patterns typical of Fresnel lenses. A full Design of Experiments was performed including several
micro structured prism geometries, injection molding technologies and specific process parameters for a total of 288 tests. Data
analysis evidenced the greater quality of workpieces obtained by ICM, whereas VIM was a minor process improvement.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of DAAAM International Vienna.
Keywords: injection molding; injection compression molding; vacuum injection molding; accuracy