Congratulations! Well done! You have gone through all steps in the first module. I really appreciate your effort and endurance in completing all the tasks, especially the team task. I hope that you understand the process of D4L+P eLearning much better through this hands-on experience. The process you have gone through is more valuable than the product (your work). Your success in completing Module 1 is rewarding in itself. You are, now, a member of our 14111 learning community.
If any of you missed any tasks, don’t worry about that. The marks for module 1 are only 1.2 points out of 40 points of this online study. Keep on doing your work and manage your study time as best you can. Good luck on the rest of the modules.
Check the 14111 forum board regularly at
When the instructors finish viewing your team work, the common errors found in most students will be posted here. Then you try to make corrections to these mistakes.
Good luck with your study in the next module.
Ajarn Solasa