Dear Nune kha
1. Please revised OC for K. loh to sign within 31 July 2014 and we can send back to HR and all Thai GL manager.
2. Pnim would like to prepare power point company profile of Thai Gl for Sale and Service Engineer used for present customer.
1. Company Photo
2. Company CMC group and Branch
and company objective ( you can check information from secretary of Kloh naka)
3. TGL Product Range (you can request photo of product from P Nam and P Krit naka)
3.1 Konica : Dry laser CR and DR
3.2 Mallincrodt : injector
3.3 Siemens : Digital Mammography
3.4 Canon : X-Ray and DR
3.5 Schiller : MRI monitor EST and Holter
3.6 INFINITT : Radiology PACS
: Cardiology PACS
3.7 Plate Spin : DR Site
4. TGL OC by department
5. Company Motto.
Addtional 2 slides kha.
1. Graph total installation base of tgl from year 2000-2014.
2. Graph total invoice issue from 1996-2014.