The study on impacts of road construction : case study of “No Tho 4006 Road - Highway 3310 – Nakhonchaisri District (Section 4 Buddha Monthol - Nakhonchaisri)”was a survey research. Simple random sampling was conducted to select samples. There were 300 samples in the study (the first 100 for examples and the rest 200 for research analysis). Statistical package was used to analyze data.
The study found that overall impact from the construction of No Tho 4006 Road - Highway 3310 – Nakhonchaisri District (Section 4 Buddha Monthol – Nakhonchaisri was low (mean – 2.37). The impacts were mostly occurred during construction by dust, road holes, noise from machine, and bad traffic. However, after construction the transportation will be convenient and it can be used during flood. This road is constructed 1.2 m above the previous level and expanded from 2 to 4 lanes to support increasing number of cars. The impact can be classified into three groups; 1) living impact, 2) environmental impact, and 3) socio-economics impact. The environmental impact was moderate (mean = 2.61), followed by living impact (mean = 2.45), and socio-economics impact (mean = 2.02). The overall impact was low.